Holly King Yoga

Holly King Yoga
Holly King is a yoga instructor and learning & behavior specialist based in Rowayton, Connecticut. Since beginning her love affair with yoga while living in Sydney's northern beaches, her journey has taken her through Chicago and Fairfield County. By unifying her background in education with her yoga philosophy, Holly teaches a student-centered, alignment-based vinyasa class, pulling inspiration from her many teachers, the yoga sutras, and other inspirational texts. In addition to teaching yoga, Holly is a certified special education teacher, currently using her degree to teach creative, play-based educational classes as well as tutoring. Holly loves to spend time with her dog, read, and travel.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Superfood Smoothie

Superfood Smoothie

1 Banana
1 cup Blueberries
1/2 cup Almond Milk
1 tablespoon Almond Butter (or nut butter of your choice)
1 tablespoon Chia Seeds
2 tablespoons Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
1 tablespoon Maca Root Powder
1/4 cup Cocao Nibs
1 handful Greens of your choice- spinach, kale, etc.
Water until desired thickness

Begin by adding the fruit and almond milk. Give it a mix so that nothing else floats to the bottom and sticks there. Follow by adding the remaining ingredients and mixing until smooth. I like to keep my smoothie fruits frozen. If using fresh, add some ice. The cocao nibs will stay a bit crunchy, I like that- it makes the smoothie feel a bit heartier and more filling.

This is a full on breakfast smoothie with the calories to match a hearty breakfast. If you're using it as a snack, drink in smaller portions, maybe add more water or ice to dilute it. It will keep you full and fueled up until lunch time- even then, you might only desire a light lunch depending on your metabolism. The difference between this breakfast vs. pancakes/bacon/cereal/eggs is- this breakfast is crazy full of nutrients. There was a time when I was so afraid of calories that I would stray from really nutritious meals such as this one. My smoothies were berries, water, and greens- the end. Those are also nutritious and I still drink them, but they aren't meals. The calorie count is really low and you need to supplement with some nuts or something to bulk it up enough to keep you full longer than 30 minutes.

Some of the great benefits of this smoothie include (by ingredient):


  • Contain tryptophan which converts to serotonin, helping you overcome the blues
  • Helps sustain blood sugar, no crashing!
  • Counteracts calcium loss during urination, build stronger bones
  • Anthocyanins attack free radicals, helping to reduce the risk of cancer
  • Flavonoids help reduce age-related memory loss
  • Antioxidants keep your skin looking youthful by blocking pre-mature aging
Almond Milk
  • Manganese, copper, and riboflavin produce energy
  • Vitamin E and Magnesium help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attacks
  • High in fiber for healthy digestion
Almond Butter
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • High in protein for strong muscles, also keeps you full longer
  • Omega 3 fatty acids for metabolic health
Chia Seeds
  • High in calcium for strong bones
  • The combination of fiber and protein helps you feel fuller longer
  • Increases HDL or "good cholesterol"
  • A great source of iron for blood cell oxygenation
  • Zinc for strength and health of your immune system
  • Short and medium chain fatty acids for heart health
Maca Root Powder
  • Promotes sexual function in men and women- boosts libido and endurance
  • Relieves menstrual and menopausal symptoms such as cramps, pain, moods swings, and hot flashes- AVOID IF PREGNANT OR BREAST FEEDING
  • Helps skin deal with extreme temperatures by reducing sensitivity
Cocao Nibs
  • Promotes endorphin release, the body's natural opiate (the cause of chocoholism!)
  • Magnesium promotes circulation
  • Theobromine stimulates the nervous system for a similar but more healthy result as caffeine
Greens (depends on what you choose, but...)
  • Rich in fiber, great for weight loss!
  • Great source of calcium with no added unhealthy fats or casein (LIKE COWS MILK) to prevent osteoporosis 
  • Vitamin C for collagen growth, keeping your skin looking young
  • Kidney health to free the body of toxins
  • Maintain balance of body fluids
  • Energized muscles

Are those enough benefits for you? If you do some research you'll find a lot more benefits, also overlap between the different ingredients, multiplying the benefits. :) 

I repeat this a lot, but I am neither a nutritionist (although I'd love to go back to school for it!) or a doctor- I am but a health enthusiast and super foodie sharing my knowledge gained through my own research

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